Thursday, Sept. 02, 2004 | 3:52 pm
dinner and a notebook

oh my....very tired i am...writing from tuesday night... braised sea scallop. i keep running into IMG sam's nephew, the "doctor". never of course, do i say hello. not a crowd i'd join up with anythime soon. san francisco's mafioso. thank you - no. one evening of coke and machisimo was enough. as i parked my car, parallel on jackson street (or maybe it was front), two love birds had at each other in the car behind mine. i took great care not to back into them. unless they were true hedons, i'm sure my arrival was a bit unnerving. ahh...young love. sadly, these are not the behaviours of seasoned couples. sex in a small, cramped front seat may have its thrills...its spontaneous passion - but it's rather sophmoric. an act of necessity; perhaps desperation. two tables over a madame is interviewing her soon-to-be inductees. it is apparent, the caliber of these creatures' characters. a pity how attire and carriage still pigeonhole the stereotype. we are now listening to a jazz instrumental version of Nirvana's teen spirit. Heavy on the spattered in piano riffs so that it is its own creation. nearly indistinguishable from any other jazz malapropism. and then a heartbeat. quickends to a drum beat. and miss badu takes over. a moment of silence for a divine goddess. with glasses donned, i can survey the scene properly. i would venture to guess a good amount of business deals are discussed over the paltry rations here. food that is seen and not heard. much like the women who are brought along for decoration, to fulfill the "social"aspect of a business dinner. the owner of this fine establishment has come to light. at first glance he appears every ounce the pimp to the madame's throng mentioned previously. yet a second assesment provokes images of a young boy of the 80's, recently released from his Aha and Atari, dusted off, and set loose with an exorbitant amount of capital to squander. you can't say that he hasn't done a lovely job of creating the newest buzz. i'll be impressed when he makes it past eighteen months and the buzz has transformed into notoriety. the wine steward resembles...__________. dammit, i can't remember his name. an actor, i'm sure. the shapely, shaved headed waitress with the beautiful face is so Very. can i take her home? karma police blends seemlessly into the beatles. ah, and now arrives the forty plus botox contingency. only women of that age can pull off full pieces of animal print. the younger set keep the leopard to accesories. when nearing half a century, all bets are off. they will don zebra blouses with glee. hmmm, as quick as they arrived they've fled out the front door. dear god, a girl of that size should NOT be wearing a skirt with such a large print. accentuate the positve!!! for the love of humanity - pear shaped women need not bring attention to their overly endowed, sloppy bottom halves. two martinis, just, and i've sunken to criticising my own sex. no excuses, it needed saying. there is far too much here, in this bizarre land, to editorialize. how can i not?

Last Five
treasure - Thursday, Sept. 06, 2006
need - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
where is here - Friday, May. 13, 2005
save me. - Monday, May. 09, 2005
nonsense - Sunday, May. 01, 2005


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Jozie/Female/21-25. Lives in United States/California/Berkeley/, speaks English and  . Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.