Monday, Apr. 26, 2004 | 1:42 pm

A very interesting article on entitled "The Cinderella Complex". It goes into what modern fairytales tell us about our culture using two current teen films as examples. Quite an interesting read, I actually read the whole thing. Usually Slate's articles fizzle out and leave me a bit bored but this one had a certain appeal. Not that it came to any distinct conclusion, how could it really?

To sum it up it takes the examples of The Prince & Me and Ella Enchanted and dissects them as examples of the modern version of Cinderella. Throughout the centuries Cinderella has had differing levels of obedience, self will, interest in her prince, etc. Around the 60's and 70's there was the view of Cinderella having a bit more say in her "happily ever after". What these two movies depict are Cinderella figures who initally start of as the modern woman, intelligent, indepedent, not needing a man...and then whoosh, prince charming comes along and they become docile and there to boost their princes' egos, while giving up a bit of their own dreams.

What is my point here? I know I had one, other than pointing out this article. I think it's that I see the value in the strong and independent female. But I'm also not a militant feminist and realize the importance of the balance between the sexes. "Behind every great man there is a great woman." I think this is so true. Without a good woman to support him, how can a man truly live to his full potential? Men need women to help them throughout their lives whether they see it or not. There is a certain amount of ego stroking neccesary to create a powerful man. Encouragement when needed and reproach also when appropriate. The checks and balances of the species. It is no secret that men think they run the show when it could not be possible without women there to help them along. Women have a certain way of seeing the world that men will never be able to perceive. This is their delicate and innate beauty.

Being a strong woman is a neccesity. And of course having the right man to put her energies into is key as well. Too many women strive for their men and families only to find out that their mates are complete and utter, childish assholes, not worthy of their energy.

As old fashioned as it seems, I do believe that men need women more than women need men. Women needed men in the past to provide for them as women did not have the opportunity to support themselves. Men will never outgrow the inborn need for the existance of their females.

As long as the princess is loved and respected by her prince, I find it quite noble, for her to act as muse as well as aid in attaining the kingdom, as they both rise to the throne.

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