Friday, Apr. 09, 2004 | 10:19 am

i am eating celery. i hate celery. but i get these little packets of precut celery which come with a mini tub of peanut butter for baby boy's lunch and thought, well i should eat them too if he has too. but i hate celery. eating it feels like punishment. like i'm doing penance for a very very evil crime. i don't bother dipping it in the peanut butter because it's weird and slimey looking. i don't think i will buy these anymore.

but i suppose it is nice to know that i'm eating something some what green and crunchy and, well, supposedly good for me. yet this celery is a bit plasticized after living in its wee plastic house with its nasty peanut butter mate in its also plastic cubby for god knows how long, until unassuming moi, happens upon them in trader joe's, and is fooled by their insipid cuteness and buys them.

and i am proud with my psuedo healthy convenient sized purchase until i actually open the damn hermetically sealed plastic top and lift the rubbery palid stalk. crunching. crunching. this tastes like crap. i've beeen had. i need to eat a cookie now.

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Jozie/Female/21-25. Lives in United States/California/Berkeley/, speaks English and  . Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.