Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2004 | 10:17 pm
yogi tea sucks ass

this is fucked up. i must share. so my Yogi Bedtime tea has a little "saying" or fortune or mantra as it were on the little paper thing that you hold onto at the end of the string. usually they are semi inspirational or at least clever. the one I get in my hour of need is this:

The greatest mantra of this age is "Keep Up".

now isn't that a kick in the ass. fucking brilliant. that's it. i'm moving to the forest - if there is any left to be found on this god forsaken rock.

oh yes, please...can I have some more? the irony here is biting.

Last Five
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need - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
where is here - Friday, May. 13, 2005
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nonsense - Sunday, May. 01, 2005


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Jozie/Female/21-25. Lives in United States/California/Berkeley/, speaks English and  . Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.