Saturday, Jan. 17, 2004 | 5:50 pm
awaiting sunset

There's no wind on the bay for sailing. I am awaiting sunset. It is fairly grey an unimaginative, obscured by the hills. My vantage point has changed. And all I see are babies and families with happy dogs. We are reaching epic levels of lonliness. I shall go to Vesuvio and drink and write. I will write. Once the sun goes down. It's nearly behind the hill.

Last Five
treasure - Thursday, Sept. 06, 2006
need - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
where is here - Friday, May. 13, 2005
save me. - Monday, May. 09, 2005
nonsense - Sunday, May. 01, 2005


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Shameless Promotion:

Jozie/Female/21-25. Lives in United States/California/Berkeley/, speaks English and  . Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.